There is a problem you have been thinking about.
That is what this is all about.
You see, I feel that you really need to hear this:
There is a secret that can change your life.
It is as certain as the sun rises in the morning and the ocean is wet.
You actually already have the answer to your problem.
It is in your subconscious mind and if you are like most people you probably are not even aware the answer is there.
How did your answer get there, how did your subconscious mind literally become the answer to your problem?
We live in a time where it seems almost anything is possible. People are connecting in new ways and sharing ideas and information on the Internet and by new ways of meeting both on and off line. In this amazing time we live in we can literally see a thought now with modern equipment. We live in a time when a lot of people are asking the question, “Where do our thoughts and insights come from?” People from scientists to psychologists and ministers to housewives.
How did your subconscious mind find a solution to your problem? As a Christian I believe that it is just the way that God made us. Our subconscious mind is more powerful than any computer mankind has ever made. Our subconscious mind is our automatic mind, anything we do without thinking is done by the automatic subconscious mind. It controls our heartbeat, our digestion, our temperature and perhaps a million other of our body's functions. It keeps our memories, gives us our feelings, holds our self identity, projects our personality. Our habits, our beliefs, our map of the world and how the world works are all maintained in our subconscious mind. It processes all of the information you take in, it compares that to everything you have recorded and it creates actions, feelings and solutions, but you may only use the smallest fraction of what it offers you.
Here is a question I hear all of the time, it is almost universal. “If my mind has the answer to my problems, then why don't I know the answer?” The quick version is, the answer is in your subconscious mind, not your conscious mind. There is a barrier between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. We call that barrier the critical mind. There are a lot of reasons the critical mind filters communication between the conscious and subconscious, reasons like the conscious mind is easily overwhelmed. Reasons like it often can't handle the truth. Have you ever heard someone say, “You can't handle the truth?” That was picked up from pop culture and actually became a line in a movie. A lot of times we can't handle all of the truth and handle it all at once.
The critical mind is actually trying to protect you. Here is a very important fact that you never heard in school, we are almost hard wired to look at things that are different as wrong and dangerous. Think about it. We often hear people say that a new idea is dangerous. Doctors warned people that the first trains went so fast that the speed alone would kill them, no one could travel that fast. How fast? About thirty miles an hour.
Fear actually has a purpose. Fear's purpose is to keep you safe and alive. Most of the time it does a good job, it keeps your from jumping off roof tops and pulling out in traffic when there really isn't enough room between you and that oncoming car, but it also limits you. What could you do in life if you weren't afraid you would fail? Go back to school? Start a business? Enter a new relationship? Double your salary? Lose those extra pounds? Fear knows that what you are doing now has at least kept you alive up to now and it doesn't want you trying anything new, that could be dangerous. Fear is in the critical mind and is reflected in the subconscious mind. Fear and the critical mind is why you don't know the answer to your problem and if you do know the answer it is why you are still stuck with the problem. Fear keeps you from applying the answer.
So what is the answer to that problem? A tool we call hypnosis. In a way hypnosis can put your critical mind and your fear to sleep for a little nap. We don't eliminate fear or your critical mind, through hypnosis we put you in charge of them. When your fear and critical mind are napping, then your subconscious and your conscious minds can connect and combine resources. Think of hypnosis as being like the Internet, it is a fast way to share and process a lot of information. Just like an internet search for information bypasses the library and the time it takes to dig through all of those books to find the information you are looking for, hypnosis bypasses the critical mind and gives you access to that hidden knowledge and information you have in the subconscious mind, no library card or drive to the library required.
When you solve a problem you have been struggling with do you think that after months or even years you finally came up with that answer? The truth is you probably have had that answer for sometime and it finally got around your critical mind and up to the surface where you are finally aware of it. Don't wait for that to happen, make it happen. Call, text or email for a consultation today. You will be surprised when you find out what you know, what you can do and who you really are without the limits.
Be blest,
Scott Hogue, CChH BMC
Certified Christian Hypnotist
Behavioral Modification Consultant
[email protected]
How did your answer get there, how did your subconscious mind literally become the answer to your problem?
We live in a time where it seems almost anything is possible. People are connecting in new ways and sharing ideas and information on the Internet and by new ways of meeting both on and off line. In this amazing time we live in we can literally see a thought now with modern equipment. We live in a time when a lot of people are asking the question, “Where do our thoughts and insights come from?” People from scientists to psychologists and ministers to housewives.
How did your subconscious mind find a solution to your problem? As a Christian I believe that it is just the way that God made us. Our subconscious mind is more powerful than any computer mankind has ever made. Our subconscious mind is our automatic mind, anything we do without thinking is done by the automatic subconscious mind. It controls our heartbeat, our digestion, our temperature and perhaps a million other of our body's functions. It keeps our memories, gives us our feelings, holds our self identity, projects our personality. Our habits, our beliefs, our map of the world and how the world works are all maintained in our subconscious mind. It processes all of the information you take in, it compares that to everything you have recorded and it creates actions, feelings and solutions, but you may only use the smallest fraction of what it offers you.
Here is a question I hear all of the time, it is almost universal. “If my mind has the answer to my problems, then why don't I know the answer?” The quick version is, the answer is in your subconscious mind, not your conscious mind. There is a barrier between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. We call that barrier the critical mind. There are a lot of reasons the critical mind filters communication between the conscious and subconscious, reasons like the conscious mind is easily overwhelmed. Reasons like it often can't handle the truth. Have you ever heard someone say, “You can't handle the truth?” That was picked up from pop culture and actually became a line in a movie. A lot of times we can't handle all of the truth and handle it all at once.
The critical mind is actually trying to protect you. Here is a very important fact that you never heard in school, we are almost hard wired to look at things that are different as wrong and dangerous. Think about it. We often hear people say that a new idea is dangerous. Doctors warned people that the first trains went so fast that the speed alone would kill them, no one could travel that fast. How fast? About thirty miles an hour.
Fear actually has a purpose. Fear's purpose is to keep you safe and alive. Most of the time it does a good job, it keeps your from jumping off roof tops and pulling out in traffic when there really isn't enough room between you and that oncoming car, but it also limits you. What could you do in life if you weren't afraid you would fail? Go back to school? Start a business? Enter a new relationship? Double your salary? Lose those extra pounds? Fear knows that what you are doing now has at least kept you alive up to now and it doesn't want you trying anything new, that could be dangerous. Fear is in the critical mind and is reflected in the subconscious mind. Fear and the critical mind is why you don't know the answer to your problem and if you do know the answer it is why you are still stuck with the problem. Fear keeps you from applying the answer.
So what is the answer to that problem? A tool we call hypnosis. In a way hypnosis can put your critical mind and your fear to sleep for a little nap. We don't eliminate fear or your critical mind, through hypnosis we put you in charge of them. When your fear and critical mind are napping, then your subconscious and your conscious minds can connect and combine resources. Think of hypnosis as being like the Internet, it is a fast way to share and process a lot of information. Just like an internet search for information bypasses the library and the time it takes to dig through all of those books to find the information you are looking for, hypnosis bypasses the critical mind and gives you access to that hidden knowledge and information you have in the subconscious mind, no library card or drive to the library required.
When you solve a problem you have been struggling with do you think that after months or even years you finally came up with that answer? The truth is you probably have had that answer for sometime and it finally got around your critical mind and up to the surface where you are finally aware of it. Don't wait for that to happen, make it happen. Call, text or email for a consultation today. You will be surprised when you find out what you know, what you can do and who you really are without the limits.
Be blest,
Scott Hogue, CChH BMC
Certified Christian Hypnotist
Behavioral Modification Consultant
[email protected]