Click Here To Learn The Simple Trick That Makes Stopping Smoking Easy For Everyone.
An Audio Player Will Open With A Short Recording That Explains The Trick
Your First Session Is Free
You have come to the right place to free yourself from smoking. It makes no difference if you have tried before. This is a complete, commonsense program that uses the most effective methods and compounds them one on top of another to ensure your success. Follow the program and it does the work for you.
The sad truth is most stop smoking programs are incomplete or lack important features. The reason for this is they are based on old models of behavior and change. In spite of technology and an explosion of knowledge we still live in a world where much of what we believe and do is actually out of date. One example is in spite of email and computers there is an amazing number of old fax machines out there still in use. The future is here, but it hasn't caught on in a lot of places. One of those places is in what we call Change Work and things like Stopping Smoking.
In the old programs you went in to a class or a session and you left without your cigarettes. The problem is you left as a smoker without cigarettes. The new method is to first install Pillars of Support that create a new way of life first, then when that new lifestyle is installed you just switch over to that non-smoking lifestyle. We prepare you to stop smoking, we practice not smoking, we prepare you for stopping smoking first. We don't just take your cigarettes away at the end of your first visit and say good luck! Doesn't that make much more sense?
Here is how it works, your first session is free. That is right, the first session is free! I am willing to show you how I can help. I am more than willing to earn your trust. I show you the workbook and we go over the program together. If the program makes sense to you and you want to proceed I show you the areas in the workbook marked in red. There are just a few. You finish those areas over the next week and come back. It is just a few questions and a few simple things to do. The next week we complete the part of the workbook that covers the second session and you will receive a simple hypnosis session. Before you leave I give you your daily hypnosis reinforcement CD (of course it is available as an mp3 download for your mp3 player, computer, phone or tablet). For the next week you listen daily to the short recording and you do your daily work in the workbook. For the next session we do a little testing and tune up work and some people will come back for a third paid session to lock in the change.
Here are the important points:
1. We prepare you to quit smoking.
We take about a week if you are smoking a pack or less a day to prepare you to quit smoking. If you are smoking more than a pack a day it might take longer. This is a personal approach program. I do my best to work with you and your needs.
2. I give you a workbook to follow.
There is no doubt about what to do, you will be doing it in the workbook.
3. I give you a recording to listen to daily to keep you on track.
We live in 24 hour cycles, you just have to recommit every 24 hours to the next day until it becomes a habit and a way of life and you will be surprised how quick that happens.
4. You practice what to do instead of smoking before you quit.
When the boat is sinking is not the time to learn to swim. Why wait until you quit to learn how to not smoke?
5. I use targeted hypnosis.
Hypnosis has been proven time and time again to be the most effective method long term to quit smoking.
6. We use a total approach.
Some programs use education and a few tricks and tips. Some programs use hypnosis alone. This is a total program that includes education, helpful tips, a plan for the entire day, practice before quitting, hypnosis for installing a new lifestyle, a daily reinforcement ritual and the successful Pillars of Support change method.
7. Free email and text support.
Sometimes people have a question. I am only an email or text away. I believe in what I do, you will have my phone number.
I don't have to tell you how much you lose when you smoke. You lose money, life, health, you know all about it. I am here if you want to quit and get back that money you were spending, have better health and even hope for a longer life. Be an example. Stop Smoking. Spend your money on something that you don't just burn up. Spend your money on you!
Put your contact information in the form below and I will get back with you.
Why not? The first session is free so you can start the path to being smoke free today.
Scott Hogue
In the old programs you went in to a class or a session and you left without your cigarettes. The problem is you left as a smoker without cigarettes. The new method is to first install Pillars of Support that create a new way of life first, then when that new lifestyle is installed you just switch over to that non-smoking lifestyle. We prepare you to stop smoking, we practice not smoking, we prepare you for stopping smoking first. We don't just take your cigarettes away at the end of your first visit and say good luck! Doesn't that make much more sense?
Here is how it works, your first session is free. That is right, the first session is free! I am willing to show you how I can help. I am more than willing to earn your trust. I show you the workbook and we go over the program together. If the program makes sense to you and you want to proceed I show you the areas in the workbook marked in red. There are just a few. You finish those areas over the next week and come back. It is just a few questions and a few simple things to do. The next week we complete the part of the workbook that covers the second session and you will receive a simple hypnosis session. Before you leave I give you your daily hypnosis reinforcement CD (of course it is available as an mp3 download for your mp3 player, computer, phone or tablet). For the next week you listen daily to the short recording and you do your daily work in the workbook. For the next session we do a little testing and tune up work and some people will come back for a third paid session to lock in the change.
Here are the important points:
1. We prepare you to quit smoking.
We take about a week if you are smoking a pack or less a day to prepare you to quit smoking. If you are smoking more than a pack a day it might take longer. This is a personal approach program. I do my best to work with you and your needs.
2. I give you a workbook to follow.
There is no doubt about what to do, you will be doing it in the workbook.
3. I give you a recording to listen to daily to keep you on track.
We live in 24 hour cycles, you just have to recommit every 24 hours to the next day until it becomes a habit and a way of life and you will be surprised how quick that happens.
4. You practice what to do instead of smoking before you quit.
When the boat is sinking is not the time to learn to swim. Why wait until you quit to learn how to not smoke?
5. I use targeted hypnosis.
Hypnosis has been proven time and time again to be the most effective method long term to quit smoking.
6. We use a total approach.
Some programs use education and a few tricks and tips. Some programs use hypnosis alone. This is a total program that includes education, helpful tips, a plan for the entire day, practice before quitting, hypnosis for installing a new lifestyle, a daily reinforcement ritual and the successful Pillars of Support change method.
7. Free email and text support.
Sometimes people have a question. I am only an email or text away. I believe in what I do, you will have my phone number.
I don't have to tell you how much you lose when you smoke. You lose money, life, health, you know all about it. I am here if you want to quit and get back that money you were spending, have better health and even hope for a longer life. Be an example. Stop Smoking. Spend your money on something that you don't just burn up. Spend your money on you!
Put your contact information in the form below and I will get back with you.
Why not? The first session is free so you can start the path to being smoke free today.
Scott Hogue
Many issues by their nature require Mr. Hogue to work with a doctor or mental health care professional. Mr. Hogue does not diagnosis or treat illnesses or diseases. Individual results may vary.
We never, never share your email or other information unless required by law. All conversations are confidential. We do not use cookies or third party tracking software for marketing. You can visit our website anonymously. If you email us or enter your information in a form on this website it will only be used to contact you to reply to your email, answer your questions or add you to our newsletter if you subscribe. Clients seen in the office may download, print and fill out intake forms from this website and bring them in during their visit to avoid transmitting any information over the internet.
If you have any questions concerning privacy please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or by mail at P.O. Box 637 Winchester, TN 37398
Many issues by their nature require Mr. Hogue to work with a doctor or mental health care professional. Mr. Hogue does not diagnosis or treat illnesses or diseases. Individual results may vary.
We never, never share your email or other information unless required by law. All conversations are confidential. We do not use cookies or third party tracking software for marketing. You can visit our website anonymously. If you email us or enter your information in a form on this website it will only be used to contact you to reply to your email, answer your questions or add you to our newsletter if you subscribe. Clients seen in the office may download, print and fill out intake forms from this website and bring them in during their visit to avoid transmitting any information over the internet.
If you have any questions concerning privacy please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or by mail at P.O. Box 637 Winchester, TN 37398